Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Coming up short, yet going far...

So far today I've drunk two coffees, half a carton of juice and an entire two-litre bottle of Coca Light, but haven't eaten anything.

My clients haven't paid me yet, I'm far behind in studying for my exams and I haven't been running in a week.

On top of that, I haven't accomplished any of my goals on either the personal or professional front.

I feel like I've just been wasting my time for an entire month.

However, it looks like I will be going to Provence in February between when I finish my exams and when I begin my new courses, so all is not bleak!

1 comment:

BorN.3 said...

Look out, Feb is here and you've finished your exams already woohoo!! On days like this, it's a good time to call for alcohols instead of your Coca Light lol

Take life easy, it can always be worst you know :)